Thursday, April 24, 2014

Join us for the Walk with Angels

We would LOVE you on our team! Team Asia raising awareness for 2q23.1 Microdeletion/Duplication Syndrome. We have signed up for the annual Walk with Angels-organized by the United Angels Foundation. May 31st in Lehi Utah beginning at 9:30 am. More info here or if you have an Angel sign up! This is a great organization doing so much for the special needs community-we are happy to participate in this activity!
The United Angels Foundation is proud to announce the Walk With Angels. This event provides an opportunity for family, friends, and members of the community to show their support for parents that have children with special needs. We encourage you to join a team and attend this wonderful event. With your support, we can reach out to more families and provide them with assistance, resources, and the opportunity to connect with our wonderful members. We use the funds raised from this event for parent educational seminars, youth and family activities (including Freedom at the Pool, Hee Haws, and our annual Christmas party, as well as age-related activities), and to administer our newborn and new member program. Please join us in advocating for all the angels in our community!

So... Asia has a chance to win a desperately needed new iPad:) It will take a lot of donations to her team but nothing is impossible! Go Asia:)
Link for Team Asia!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Just a update

Gah! I haven't posted on here for awhile! I have been so busy and I do have a few things to report. I am sure I am missing some things but first thing is-I had to buy Asia new clothes and shoes because she has grown! I think she has had the same shoes for 2 years, and I went from her size 5 clothes to 6-8. This sounds weird but, for a child you usually buy new clothes and shoes all of the time because of growth, Asia hasn't been like that-she's a munchkin. Right now she is doing so well. Since we weaned her from one of her anti-seizure medications Topamax, she has gained 5 pounds-yay!!!! Seriously this is so exciting. The girl has weighed the same for years I swear, she is also growing taller. It is great that she is eating a lot more and looks so much healthier. She is also speaking so many new words! She is calmer and more focused. They are even seeing it at school! It only gives us that much more of a desire to take her off of her last medication Depakote-to see her full potential. If she reverts to having a lot of seizures at that point we will try CBD oil before giving her anything else. This also makes me a little worried, I am hoping she is more advanced at her full potential but, she may not be.  I have to remember not to expect to much.
Asia turned 8 years old this month!! She LOVES her birthday and we took her to one of her favorite places for a birthday party with all of her cousins-to ride the carousel. She was so into it this year-really fun to see. I'll be taking new pictures of her in the next month or so, it seems like I just did this:)
I don't want to forget to mention on here that it is Autism Awareness Month (1 in 68 people) . Autism affects so many friends & family and Asia is ASD (autistic spectrum disorder). Spread the awareness!!
We are currently on spring break and she def needs to go to school. Everyday she asks for the "bus" and she is getting cabin fever! We go out but, when inside she completely destroys the house and melts down a little, she thinks it's funny to scream and slam doors-she just needs the school routine. She turns into kind of a monster when she is out of that routine.