Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2q23.1 Microdeletion Syndrome

I received Asia's lab test today and what I previously heard as a 2q37 is actually a 2q23.1 microdeletion syndrome. I am finding that this is even more rare then the 2q37 deletion. I have found a few articles, the lab report listed some references and I have found a few other families dealing with the same diagnoses. So, I am going to research and hopefully get some key points in another post.
Meanwhile...I have lost my pleasant Asia to a hellacious (is that a word?) beast:) If only I could figure out her moods-whoa! She has been so grumpy at home and even school-not eating at school and non-stop screamer. She is currently back to the hair pulling, kicking, and hitting that we ohhh so love, please give us patience:)
Haven't noticed any true seizure activity-she has gotten a sleepy zoned out look a few times the last couple days but I cant say it was seizing-still crossing fingers!

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