Monday, March 4, 2013

Re-visit to Dentist

Today Asia had to revisit the dentist to get a cavity filled. You know how much I love taking Asia to the dentist-see my last post on the dentist. We decided to fill the cavity -even though it's a baby tooth-because it is a molar and she will still have it for quite awhile. It was after school and she's already moody because she is tired...In order to do this without any kind of sedation we had to be tricky. They tried to prop her mouth open with the rubber/scissor thing:) but she somehow managed to keep spitting it out. I am always so worried she is going to bite them! I held her arms while the tech held her tongue back with the mirror while she was holding two other instruments and the dentist went as fast as he could:) We got it done-relief! It was not easy. She threw her "penguin prize"at the dentist after and pretty much ripped my shirt off-luckily no one was standing in the hall but if they have camera's they def got a sneak peek:) Another note to self...don't wear a shirt that has a stretchy neck when taking Asia anywhere.
Asia must have been relieved to be done because she willing let lil bro sit next to her in the dentist chair:)
Not a happy face

Side notes:
~Do not feed her Mac-n-Cheese right now she hates it but loves avocados.
~Cheese has taken place of her book in the morning as item she most wants on the bus-food is not allowed on the bus but....oh well.
~She had a seizure before bed a couple nights ago:( bummer, I need to keep an eye out for more.
~She also ripped out my earring yes, from my ear. It was a miracle it didnt tear through-be on guard at all times:)

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