Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Race Day

This weekend we created "Asia's Team" to help benefit children with disabilities and ran/walked the 1mile fun run. We had a really great time-Asia had a ton of family support along with a few "spirit runners" and we were able to help raise a little bit for charity. The weather was a little cold but didn't start to rain until the race was finished. I did run Asia and her baby brother and it was harder then I thought it would be to push them:) Good experience though and I will know what to expect next year-we plan on doing it again. The kids had a great time. Asia & baby didn't make a peep the whole mile until we passed a McDonalds-ahhhh! Then that is all she could think about and it made her a little grumpy when we were finished. Asia got a third in her age group:) and I am pretty sure she really enjoyed the run. Thanks to Grammy, aunts, uncles and all of her cousins that ran with her.
 Race Packets...
 First in line...

 Big Sister...


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