Thursday, June 20, 2013

Swim Lessons

This is the third year Asia has taken survival swim lessons. It's a intense 10 minute lesson to help her find her "safety place" when in the water. Her swim coach gets her use to the water, putting her face in it, no plugging nose etc. Then learning to roll to the back floating face up and relaxing. She is also learning how to look in the water and find a wall to reach for. Asia knows what to do and does a lot of the work herself. She still gets a little panicked when her head is underwater but she immediately tries to roll to her back and put her face up. Today her coach mentioned that she could tell she (Asia) knows what to do, you can see it in her eyes-she just has a hard time getting her body to move. Asia can not swim, her balance and coordination make it pretty difficult. If she were to fall in the water, or drift into water that was to deep to stand I want her to be able to be safe. The first year lessons lasted for a few weeks or so. Last year we just did a week (if I remember right) and this year we will start week 2 on Monday.  It has actually been pretty surprising to see what she is able to do herself. She fights getting in the water but she does need the skill to float safely. My other son does the lessons and I am starting my baby next week as well. I'll try to get a video next week. If you want more info please email me and I will get you a name and number. The swim coach is amazing and so patient, I definitely recommend her. Asia cries through most of her lesson, throwing a tantrum here and there and her coach is so patient. Asia is happy when she is done:) Claps and says "bye pool":)
~Asia started summer school last week and is not liking it:( Her routine gets thrown off so fast that just having a couple weeks off of school has not helped. Summer school is only 3 days a week for 3 hours. Her teacher (who is new for her) is saying that she is crying most of the day, wanting to go home. I may pull her out if the last couple of days were rough-I need to check. In the fall she will have the same teacher as last year and will have some of her same class mates. I just need something to keep her going during the day or she has little interest in doing much of anything...

~So a few weeks ago Asia got the 2 day flu. After she felt better, she started to refuse to eat or drink anything that was working for us. She is still refusing even now. She is being extremely picky and it is so difficult to get her to eat. Since then, I have been noticing a absentee seizure here and there, and more tantrums then normal. I need to find a way to get her appetite back. I think it is affecting her physically and mentally. I may look into food therapy-any one have any referrals???

~Her legs are getting so long!!!:) She is still pretty short but she is growing and the longer her legs get the harder things get on me. I can barely change or dress her-she thinks it is funny that it is so easy to kick me in the face or neck. Sometimes she does it in slow motion-I think she is doing it just to see what I will do...

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