Saturday, July 6, 2013

Happy 4th of july!!

Happy 4th of July!

We love the 4th of July! I think it is one of Asia's favorite holidays-which I find a little strange. She has "noise" issues but LOVES fireworks. She loved the parade once we found a spot that was cool and not too crowded. Our first "spot" she was sooooo moody! Throwing stuff as people walked by and screaming.

Our family-big sister was our of town....
 I have mentioned before that she loves to go "fast" and "high"-she begged to go "on, on, on" a carnival ride. Not the kiddy rides she wants the bigger ones-loves them. I wish I would have had my camera on me to capture the look of bliss on her face the higher and faster we went, as she clapped and said "yay!" It calms her down and fulfills her sensory seeking "itch".  We had a great day!


 ~I am excited to tell you that I am going to have my first "guest" post happening in the next day or so. My new friend Cathy:) contacted me after her daughter was just recently diagnosed with 2q23.1 (2q). I have asked her to share a little about her beautiful daughter.~

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