Thursday, September 19, 2013

Asia gets a bike!

This video is kind of long...sorry 2 minutes. I have to share-Asia received a special gift! We are part of a couple local organizations for families with children who have special needs. One of those organizations assist children with things that insurance wont cover but, can improve their lives. Asia loves the bike in her PT lessons, her therapist thought that Asia would benefit from a bike. She loves it, it would get her the physical therapy she needs and she could feel like "one of the kids." So, we put in a request with our amazing organization and it was approved! We ordered green so we can re-gift it to a child when she grows out of it. We took her on a long bike ride and she loved every minute-especially when she could go fast and crazy:) We can't be any more grateful-these are not cheap and feel very lucky. Yay Asia! It's definately something to make her smile.

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