Monday, November 11, 2013

Asia's Neurologist Makes A Public Statement About Alepsia-CBD

I have to share a letter "we" received today from Asia's Neurologist. It is not directed to "me" but, in a way I guess you could said it is, because in the future it could most definitely be directed to me - more specifically Asia. It is pretty exciting...A few posts back I wrote about  Alepsia and CBD-with all the parent advocates this topic has exploded-this post is a continuation of that. Tomorrow we are attending something pretty big, along with many other parents of children with severe epilepsy-a meeting with the state that I will share more about later. I will advocate for any child that would benefit from this medicine-even if I found it something not suitable for Asia's condition, there are so many children that would have a improved quality of life with it. It could help these children who suffer so much-I will do what I can. Today, Asia's Neurologist made a public statement regarding Alepsia-and I'm going to share it:) He is the Director of Pediatric Neurology at the University of Utah. I hope that other pediatric hospitals and doctor's will take note. I think this was a bold and very respected move. I believe he sincerely has the children's best interest at heart. I encourage you to read this, it explains it all. Remember it is coming from a very well-known, well-respected and very experienced Pediatric Neurologist. Many thanks Dr. Filloux!

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