Monday, February 3, 2014

2q23.1 Microdeletion/Duplication World Awareness Day!

February 23 is the World Awareness Day for 2q23.1 Microdeletion/Duplication Syndrome. There is a virtual event hosted on Face Book ~ just search 2q23.1 Microdeletion/Duplication Syndrome Awareness Day. The goal this year is to get 1000 pictures from around the world of our 2q friends wearing blue. More info below:

2q23.1 Microdeletion/Duplication Syndrome is an extremely rare genetic condition that affects approximately 200 men, women, and children worldwide. Cases have been reported in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Belarus, Canada, China, France, Great Britain, Italy, New Zealand, Netherlands, Spain, and United States. Our goal is to reach out the newly diagnosed while raising awareness about 2q23.1 Microdeletion/Duplication Syndrome. You can help us raise awareness by wearing blue, wearing a t-shirt with our logo, using our logo in your profile picture in any social media outlets, taking your picture & posting it on our events page, making a video & posting it on our events page, hosting or attending an event in your local community to help raise awareness, and countless other ways.

Please note this is a virtual online event. Just like last year, please take a picture of yourself (and/or your family) in something Blue and post to the Events page. Just a way to show support for children with unique Genes like our kiddos.

You can post it anytime between now and the 23rd.
Our goal is 1000 pictures from all over the World.

Much Love and Thanks from the families of kiddos with 2q23.1 Microdeletion/Duplication Syndrome.

To raise awareness, please feel free to copy this logo and share on your 
Face Book profiles, timelines and posts! Any other social media 
outlets are great too-Instagram, twitter etc. 
Thank you!!!!

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