Saturday, July 19, 2014

Asia can ride a bike?!?

I am terrible at blogging.....I have been so busy with my other projects that I have not made much time to post updates on Asia and I feel guilty every time I think about it. I guess I shouldn't feel bad? Things are busy but I feel sad because I want to document those things that Asia can finally "do" or updates on her health or syndrome. To share info that might help know. I will catch up on some of them soon I hope. I also kind of figure anyone that looks at this blog is already involved in Asia's life somewhat and already knows about everything I post, right:)? I definitely want to share this. Remember last year, Asia was gifted with a special needs "bike". She was no where close to being able to ride it. She couldn't pedal, no muscle strength. I really hoped that someday she could. It would be amazing if she could ride along her brother outside and actually "play" like a normal child. Well, this year we pulled it out and guess what? Asia can ride her bike!?! I was utterly in shock. She doesn't have steering the bike down yet but I don't think it will take much time. She was in bliss and I teared up, happy tears.

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