Thursday, January 31, 2013


It's getting harder and harder to take Asia anywhere. With her hypotonia (muscle weakness), she tires easily. Majority of the time she would prefer to sit in the car by herself then get out and be carried somewhere. Daddy usually does the carrying and if she is not in the mood he gets hit a lot or his hair pulled. We toy with the idea of going on vacation but we are apprehensive. Asia does like to go on rides at amusement parks, she likes to be somewhere that she can just sit and observe. She remembers the beach and wants to go there. She has a short attention span, and a sensory processing disorder so I think getting a thrill from a ride, or being able to people watch etc helps her calm. We have noticed that if she is strapped down-like in a stroller, car seat or high chair she usually calms down. I think she could walk all day in a stroller. Asia loves to go to the mall and be pushed in the stroller. It's one of her favorite things to do and she is always asking for the "mall". She gets mad if you go into a store (unless its Disney) and she wants to walk the entire time.  Long story short:) She is getting so big! and she's still growing. Regular strollers are getting to small. I looked into some special needs adolescent strollers and whoa! They are pricey. We have thought about Disneyland and we have heard that they are great with kids who have special needs but, we would need a good stroller for her. Not even just Disney but anywhere-it would need to be great for any surface. So far I haven't been able to find any "used" ones and the new ones I found look great but I don't know when I would ever have a few grand to drop on stroller-before accessories? The less expensive one looks ok but, its still $800? I'll have to keep working on this one...

Typical Day-
Still waiting on Dr phone call-
Yay for the sunshine and blue skies-

These ones I found with Flaghouse-they have a lot of great special needs items.
This is a good one-$3299.00 before tax, shipping or any accessories.
This one looks like she would outgrow-$759.00 before tax, shipping and accessories. If she outgrows may not be worth it.

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