Friday, February 1, 2013

Snacks for the ultra picky...

Anyone that knows Asia, knows that she loves to eat bags of chips & slices of cheese-it's like a addiction. The first thing she does when she comes into the house (or Grandma's house) is look for the chips and cheese. She will throw the biggest tantrums if she cant find them. Until this past year she has never really had that much of a sweet tooth but, this year she has started to. She loves marshmallows, I think its because its a finger food that is "easy"-no mess and she can just shovel them into her mouth. Asia is not good with utensils yet-everything is with her hands. I've tried some of the weighted utensils but they were to big. Texture of food seems to be a issue and sometimes it's her mood that will effect what she will eat. I try to keep several different cheeses in the fridge to solve her craving. We love the little snack sized "tillamook's-or tillamoos"-I cant find them just anywhere yet, sometimes Costco has big bags. Chips can be a headache. If we have them she wants to hold the entire bag-no matter what size, its "mine" she says. If someone takes one they get hit or screamed at-yes, she loves her chips. She always wants Doritos, Cheetos, potato chips so I have decided to try something new. I want to slowly introduce products that are a little "healthier" until she gets a new taste for products and we can be better with what we are buying at the store. I will admit we love "treats"-sweets, chips etc. Anyone that comes to our house knows about the treat bowl on top of our fridge. It's always full of candy-we seem to accumulate it through the holidays and with occasional purchases:) Asia (and my other children) have discovered it and always want it "down". So I have replaced it...

If Asia wants a treat or a chip I am going to let her choose from this bowl. There are so many choices out there now that are better for you. I found a lot of "rice" products-Quaker brand has some great options. Little bags of "chips" that are sweet or savory but, they are rice cakes-texture just like chips. I put tons of items in little snack sized baggies-whole wheat gold fish, dried yogurt bites, pretzels, kept the marshmallows (just small amounts), teddy grahams, popcorn chips and potato crackers and then I am doing mixes in one bag for example-chex cereal, pretzels, marshmallows maybe some chocolate chips here and there. Buddy fruits is a great product line-one yummy treat is the Lemon Tartlet-a yummy treat if she'll eat it:) The baby food aisle has lots of snacks and Wal-mart had tons of great items last time I was there. Let's see if she'll go for this...

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