Monday, January 28, 2013

Shared a laugh

Today was a pretty typical day. So, when I say this from now on you'll know that Asia threw pretty big tantrums in the morning, afternoon and eve. High pitched shrill, slapping, and throwing stuff. Today though, I got to laugh about it with my amazing husband. Asia loves-LOVES-McDonald's. He picked her up from school and brought her to get fries on the way home. I seriously will put 3$ in the budget everyday for her to get it-if that will make her happy (and unlike the last post-the weight gain wouldn't hurt, she is as thin as could be now). She is very difficult to please and this is well worth the money:) She gets home and is so upset. Throwing a huge fit ????? not sure what it is but we start getting her food and she is throwing it as hard as she can everywhere-(every meal is in fact, a true all out food fight and not in a "fun" way). So, she really wants these fries so she will take a bite and throw the other half on the floor. Just to show her rage. Over and over this happens then she tries to scoop them all up and toss them. Dads laying on the floor trying to pick them up and he is just getting bombed. She then gets her chocolate milk and suddenly there are little drops of it going all over me, the chair, the kitchen her dad-wow. All we could do is laugh-what else can you do. It was actually really nice to have someone else there to laugh with-daddys usally working during the day and we are dealing on our own. We finally realized that she wanted a soda. She saw ours sitting there and wanted that kind of drink.

So, note to self-get Asia a soda not chocolate milk:)

A fun side note: McDonald's is a pretty awesome place for Asia. Again she only has a handful of words but one day driving home from a Dr's appointment, from the back seat it sounded like Asia was saying "hamburger". My husband and I looked at each other and said "hamburger"? Whoa, she just said a new word. This was about a year ago. Then she called it "M". Then she would say french fry and now she says "Donald's". But, she seems to have lost the other words-which is a bummer.

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