Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Swearing in my head.

Quick note on today. Left another message for Dr to return phone call. Turned my alarm off this morning accidentally. This being positive and negative. Positive- It gave Asia more time to sleep and wake on her own-Negative, I had to drive her to school in the snow storm. Oh well, she was in a pretty good mood this morning. Left her "favorite" book at school yesterday so she wigged out a little that she didn't have it this morning. Cried a little when I left her at school but was easily distracted by the computer her teacher lead her to. After school began a series of tantrums but, she was extremely tough today and she really pushed my buttons. I was ready to put her in bed after being scratched in the face, hit many times, kicked, hair-pulled, food thrown at me and when dressing her in pj's actually got a few kicks to the head-I probably swore a few times in my head. Nothing stood out today except that she got to wake on her own and that may have helped her am mood? Hope tomorrow is calmer:)

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