Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Barbies and Baby Dolls

So today I found myself having a "moment"-I started packing up some of Asia's toys to donate...old Barbie dolls she never played with, some dress-ups she hardly used, a baby doll swing along with other items. I also found myself cleaning out her dresser a little and taking out the size 2T big girl Elmo undies that would never fit now. It's kind of a hard thing to realize she has never had much interest in the things that little girl would normally be interested in (Barbie's and Babies). I felt like I was "burying" her childhood and she hasn't experienced it yet.  If one day she wants to play with Barbie's-I will buy her new Barbie's:). It was kind of hard on me-it felt weird. She is 7yrs old-I'm not ready for her to be a "big girl" because she hasn't experienced being a "little girl" yet. Reality is that she is different and unique. It really isn't that important that she doesn't "play" the same as other kids just difficult to swallow sometimes. By tossing out old toys that never got used and underwear because she is not potty trained even today I am facing reality and moving on. I can remember one time she wanted a baby doll in the car and it was a little unusual for her so I took pics on my phone-it was so cute. Before bed tonight I dug out one of her old stuffed animals, a lion she called "Pa Pa" just to get her a "toy" and see if she would respond. She was actually excited to see him and said "Nigh Nigh Pa Pa". Then wanted her "book, book" (a flaghouse magazine) and snuggled into bed. I guess if a magazine brings her joy and comfort I should not complain, right?:)

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