Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month

I'm spreading the awareness that October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. It is said that 6,000 babies are born every year in the US with Down Syndrome or (Trisomy 21). This is about 1 of every 691 babies born in the United States each year. Down Syndrome is caused by a extra copy of the 21st chromosome. A lot of people have heard of Down Syndrome and chances are they know someone with Down Syndrome but, often they don't really know what it is or really what it means for a family affected. There is a lot of great info on the NDSS (National Down Syndrome Society) website.
This link gives a lot of resources to learn more about how to support those with Down Syndrome.
NDSS-link for the National Down Syndrome Society Even though October is the official month for the Awareness, there is always local events, activities, and support being offered year round. The NDSS is also very active when it comes to social media-check out the info below...

NDSS is active on several social media outlets year-round, and Down Syndrome Awareness Month is an especially good time to follow and share! In addition to our regular social media activity, here are some bright spots to keep an eye on this month:
- See more at: http://www.ndss.org/About-NDSS/Newsroom/Recent-News/Down-Syndrome-Awareness-Month-2013/#sthash.s6gHgje6.dpuf

And now I have to share a photo of my bff's little girl and her cousin-I've shared it before but they are so cute and it may become a tradition this time of year. Spread the awareness!

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